- Hoping for the same forward thinking this morning that we saw in yesterday's keynote. #tcon11 #ualberta #yegit #
- Keynote by Michael Argast from Telus. He is new, I hope Telus hasn't eaten his soul yet. 🙂 #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Today's talk is highlighting why I felt the RIM talk yesterday felt dated. BB features aren't competitive any more. #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Mobile antivirus may be a backward step but it is inevitable. There will always be a need as hacks will always exist. #tcon11 #
- Hmm looks like the #tcon11 tag doesn't like me today. My tweets don't seem to be showing up. #ualberta #ualbertait #yegit #
- Wonder how many faculty break IT policy? #tcon11 #
- Social media crime hunt is the new age of Darwin! Let the criminals get themselves caught! #tcon11 #ualberta #yegit #
- Great opening talk! I hope the next talks are just as excellent. 🙂 #tcon11 #
- At @chrisj_moore talk about city of Edmonton IT. Interesting parallels to #ualberta IT planning needs. #tcon11 #
- Design fail L2-190 unless you are 5 feet tall you are in the way of the projections in this room at the podium. #tcon11 #
- Indexed and artificially intelligent open data center jointly developed between U of A and City of Edmonton. #suggestion #tcon11 #
- At VPIT talk #tcon11 we do need a complete cultural change at #ualberta so that people accept new technology quickly and easily. #
- Rate of technological change is so great that popular tech will change completely between 1st and 4th year in urgad study #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Campus IT needs to collaborate with cell carriers so campus cell coverage is pervasive! All mobile tech needs to work! #tcon11 #ualberta #
- VPIT: United we grow, divided we status quo. Nice. 🙂 #tcon11 #ualberta #ualbertait #
- Absolutely! Can you get others to think too? RT @mcguiganj How to do more with less? It's easy.. think! #tcon11 #
- Bad form Technocon, scheduling a tour during lunch, then when people return no food is left. Very bad! #tcon11 #ualberta #fail #
- #tcon11 closing keynote. Fundamental difference. The government would be "collecting" your information. You "volunteer" it to Facebook. #
Electronic memes for 2011-06-23
- Good breakfast at Technocon but dissappointed in swag bag inconsistency. #tcon11 #yegit #
- Robin Winsor good opening keynote at #tcon11 a bit of a taste of TED talks of the past. #
- Technocon talk by Robin Winsor gets better and better I wonder what he thinks of a massive joint open data initiative with #ualberta #tcon11 #
- Robin Winsor talk about big data at #tcon11 has he been thinking about entirely virtualizing the cloud software and infrastructure #ualberta #
- Ok sitting in "This too shall pass – and other change myths" at #tcon11 excited to hear what is said. Things never change right?! #sarcasm #
- I decided to buck the trend and sit at the front in "this too shall pass" #tcon11 They are putting out paper and pens #interactive #ualberta #
- "This too shall pass" This is going to be interesting. #changemgmt #tcon11 #ualberta very experienced speakers! #
- "This too shall pass" so most places are about linear thinking just to get an answer. Breaking the rules might make things better! #tcon11 #
- "This too shall pass" Ideas get dropped when communication breaks down and patterns are all that exist! #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Ok just learned in "this too shall pass" that not everyone has a problem with change. Maybe it is just #ualberta fears change! #tcon11 Ooooh #
- User management as a service UMaaS at #tcon11 this should be interesting Another example of IT becoming transparent! #ualberta #
- Yes absolutely!! RT @jordanshodges When policy fails…. Try thinking. 🙂 #tcon11 #funny #
- Groups can't afford to stay in the data center business. Progression to the cloud just makes sense. #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Wow UMaaS with full workflow management really does implement on demand computing! #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Whoa! Completely control end point computing access from within your HR application?! Amazing! #integrationwin #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Definition of irony RIM guy talking about balancing needs of clients with RIMs current performance in the consumer market. #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Dragons and laser beams to protect infrastructure?! I need to upgrade!!! #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Nick Dawson RIM "mobility and smartphones are the present" will he talk Augmented Reality? #AR #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Booyaa called it! I see Augmented Reality on his slide! #AR #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Bandwidth providers better realize, yes you can charge for use but be realistic or you will fail in the face of competition. #tcon11 #wind #
- "don't give away the keys to the kingdom????!!!!" wait what did RIM do in certain other countries recently when pushed? COME ON! #tcon11 #
- Kudos for Nick Dawson handling the country privacy question. But what did RIM really say to them? I lack trust. #tcon11 #ualberta #
- Good time at #tcon11 today. I hope tomorrow is as enlightening as today was. #ualberta #ualbertait #yegit #
Electronic memes for 2011-06-14
- Legislation for services like Netflix http://t.co/XZGo3Qn instead maybe it's time to end the dinosaur called the CRTC. #tv #canada #netflix #
Electronic memes for 2011-06-12
- First Graphene Integrated Circuit – http://t.co/Ee8GeVc Now we can start thinking about the end of Moore's law. For ICs that is… #future #
Electronic memes for 2011-06-07
- Forrester: IT depts face decade of fundamental change – http://t.co/NVv5l1h IT depts enabling change? How can that be!? #yegit #ualbertait #
Electronic memes for 2011-06-05
- Eyez 720p video-recording glasses (video) — Engadget – http://t.co/oNNcP7f Now give me HUD lenses and wifi to phone Augmented reality! #AR #
Insert Coin: Eyez 720p video-recording glasses (video) — Engadgethttp://t.co/oNNcP7fWe first heard about the Eyez video recording glasses concept back in March, when those familiar black frames packed a 1080p camera, 16GB of flash memory, WiFi, and dual exawatt-class lasers
Electronic memes for 2011-06-04
- Phase change memory-based ‘moneta’ system points to the future of computer storage http://t.co/lujyg8y very nice, it will only get better! #
Phase change memory-based ‘moneta’ system points to the future of computer storagehttp://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-phase-memory-based-moneta-future-storage.htmlThis is a view of the internals of the Moneta storage array with phase change memory modules installed. Credit: UC San Diego / Steve Swanson
Electronic memes for 2011-06-02
- Google’s Schmidt: Wired.com – http://t.co/tqxeOre “Cloud is the death of IT as we know it” So we must ask ourselves, what will it become. #
Google’s Schmidt: ‘I Screwed Up’ on Social Networking | Epicenter | Wired.comhttp://t.co/tqxeOreGoogle chairman Eric Schmidt took responsibility for the search titan’s failure to counter Facebook’s explosive growth, saying he saw the threat coming but failed to…
Electronic memes for 2011-05-26
- RT @mightkill gas leak video: http://bit.ly/k9z8JY freakin crazy YEG get outta that area and don't smoke! #yegtraffic #yeg #
Electronic memes for 2011-05-19
Scientists create computer controlled by the power of thought – http://t.co/nf8qtFU Only the beginning, bionic humans next! #

Scientists create computer controlled by the power of thought | Mail Onlinehttp://t.co/nf8qtFUA computer controlled by the power of thought has been created by scientists in a breakthrough that could one day help people unable to speak or move.