- Great day for robotics posts. There is a lot going on in this field. Will robotics, general AI and nanotech converge? Perhaps soon… #
- Robotic surgeons and micro robots that can work inside your body. http://bit.ly/1OwMwe #
- A broader article covering supply chain robotics, excellent read. http://tinyurl.com/lx7mun #
- Factory robots that manage your inventory. http://bit.ly/aE6U1 #
- A new robot designed to adapt to new situations sometimes mimicking behaviours of other humans. Very cool. http://tinyurl.com/lrelum #
- Cool human assistance robots, it could carry you to the fridge to get a snack then gently return you to the couch. http://tinyurl.com/mwnhzn #
- Video on recent robotics work. If you are curious about the state of robotics check it out http://bit.ly/lsz51 #
- Humans vs. Super Human AI. Some good musings on the coming age of advanced AI. http://bit.ly/GSMxP #
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