- RT @mightkill gas leak video: http://bit.ly/k9z8JY freakin crazy YEG get outta that area and don't smoke! #yegtraffic #yeg #
Monthly Archives: May 2011
Electronic memes for 2011-05-19
Scientists create computer controlled by the power of thought – http://t.co/nf8qtFU Only the beginning, bionic humans next! #

Electronic memes for 2011-05-18
First ‘habitable’ exoplanet confirmed | COSMOS magazine – http://t.co/4Csizzr It is pretty close to us, come on VASIMR take us to the stars! #

Dwave first Commercially Available Quantum Computer http://t.co/GrhpDhH 25 years to get ENIAC to the desktop. I bet 10 years for this 2021. #

Electronic memes for 2011-05-17
- Memristor mechanism discovered. Hastens the replacement of flash http://t.co/qVvOL7q talked about this before, they will change everything! #
HP discovers memristor mechanism and hasten the replacement of flash memoryhttp://t.co/qVvOL7qSynchrotron x-rays probed the memristor in a 100 nanometer region with concentrated oxygen vacancies (right, shown in blue) where the memristive switching occurs…
Electronic memes for 2011-05-16
Build the Starship Enterprise from useless office supplies – http://t.co/AJRidqv You know you want one on your desk! #
Discovery could lead to faster computer clock speed | KurzweilAI –

super powerful CPU gates, major leap in clock speed. #
Google clarifies Chromebook subscriptions – Engadget So, are we looking at the replacement for university computer labs? #
D-Wave reveals use of ‘quantum annealing’ to make eight qubits | KurzweilAI http://t.co/bWxRSN8 Are we getting closer to quantum computing? #

We are back!
Well, Automatons Adrift is finally back after a malicious hacking by… someone. In any case, I was able to recover all of the posts and I am going through doing some updates and changing things up making everything a little more informative and colorful!
I hope you all enjoy it!