- Would you like your own remote control cockroach? http://tinyurl.com/yakwfa8 #
- Good article on the changing face of computation, wetware vs hardware and combined. http://tinyurl.com/ye95abu How will new interfaces work? #
- Streams of entangled qbits. http://tinyurl.com/ydj35of Once we have significant numbers, the face of computation will forever change. #
- A new particle that doesn't fit any of the models. http://tinyurl.com/c2wppq Time to extend the model. I put money on 13 dimensions now! #
- An attempt at performing a hard backup of your memories? http://tinyurl.com/ye79j95 It's like home videos with a lot more detail. #
- Flux qbit equals the flux capacitor? Not really, but it's one of the many attempts at scalable quantum computers. http://tinyurl.com/ye6qj68 #
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